Constitutional court chairman, Mahmud MD statedd that Gayus' bribery of detention centre officials is a serious offense. Therefore the added the state must freeze Gayus' assets disabling him to bribe.
In public dialogue at the Warung Daun in Jakarta recently, constitutional court chairman, Mahmud MD said that public officials like Gayus Tambunan have deeply crippled the attitude and behaviour of Indonesians. Mahmud added that the punishment towards people like Gayus can not stop only with incarseration. His assets must also be frozen to prevent him from bribing officials in the future.
Director of the anti corruption research centre from the Gajah Mada University, Zainal Arifin Mochtar said that Gayus could do what he did because he has money and the knowledge as to which officials he can bribe. House commision three member, Martin Hutabarat said that officials must willing to punish corruption suspects by freezing their assets to prevent them from getting away with their crime.
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